PTS Handling
To get results in handling a Potential Trouble Source (PTS) person who is connected to a Suppressive Person, there are two important facts that you must understand and know are true:
1. All illness in greater or lesser degree and all errors that result in a failure come directly and only from a PTS condition.
2. Getting rid of the condition requires three basic actions:
a. Understand the technology of the condition. Technology means the methods of application of an art or science—a way of doing something, as opposed to just knowing about the art or science itself.
b. Discover. Discover means to learn or find out something.
c. Handle or disconnect from the Suppressive Person. Handle means to deal with a problem so it is no longer a problem and disconnect means to shut off contact and have no more communication with someone.
If you are asked to handle someone who is PTS, you can do so very easily—far more easily than you might believe. Thinking that there is other technology or that the two rules above do not always apply is what can prevent you from handling someone who is PTS. The moment a person who is trying to handle someone who is PTS gets persuaded that there are other conditions, reasons or technology than those listed above, he is at once lost and will lose the game and not obtain (get) results.
It is not very often that a PTS person is psychotic. Psychotic means physically and mentally harmful to those around him. But all psychotics are PTS, if only to themselves, meaning they could be doing something destructive to themselves.
Doctors and other health professionals are always talking about “stress” causing illness. Lacking the full technology, they do not have the slightest idea that this is why a person might get sick or have an accident. They just think this is somehow true. They recognize that stress can bring about various illnesses and accidents, but they do not have the technology of how to handle it. We do.
What is this thing called “stress”?
A person under stress is actually under suppression.
If that suppression is located and the person handles or disconnects from the source of the suppression, the stress goes away and the illness he is experiencing gets better.
Usually the person doesn’t understand life well enough to recognize what is happening to him. He is confused. He believes all his illnesses are just part of life, that he is just ill because he is ill!
But what really happened was that, at some point, something happened to make him weak, unsure of himself and unhappy, and that made him easily get sick.
He was suppressed by someone and began to feel unhappy, weak and even ill. Then, as he was suppressed again and again, the repeated suppression made him actually get sick or have an accident.

If a person continues to be connected to or in communication with an SP, or continues to do something that the Suppressive Person or Suppressive Group (and a group can also be suppressive) objects to, the suppression will never stop and he will continue to be ill or have accidents. It is not just that he is in a particular place that makes him ill and have accidents, it is the Suppressive Person who is causing it.
Fortunately, the problem of PTS is not very complicated. Once you understand the two important facts given above, you must simply work out how to use them to help the PTS person.
A PTS person can be greatly helped in three ways:
1. Understand and learn how to use the technology of handling someone who is PTS.
2. Discover who is suppressing the person and making him PTS.
3. Help the PTS person handle the problem or disconnect from the source of the suppression.
Let us look at the easiest way to do this:
1. Give the person who is PTS the articles on Potential Trouble Sources and Suppressive Persons in this course. Let him study them so he learns about the subject, such as what a “PTS” is, what a “Suppressive” is and how a person who is PTS handles the problem. The PTS person may just realize right then and there that he has been suppressed and feel much better. It has happened before.
2. Without pushing too hard, have the PTS person discuss the illness, accident or whatever he is having trouble with. For example, take the young girl who was learning to play the piano but was being suppressed by someone. She may say she just started to feel like she would never make it as a pianist and wanted to give up trying, so she stopped practicing.
The person will usually believe that the illness, accident or trouble began recently and that it is the result of the area where he lives or works or somewhere he has been recently. For example, the PTS girl who was having trouble playing the piano may say that the place where she has to practice is too hot or too cold or too uncomfortable in some way.
3. Ask when the PTS person remembers first having that illness or having such accidents. He will at once begin to think back and realize that it has happened before.
4. Now ask him who it was that was suppressing him at that time. He will usually tell you right away.
5. You will also usually find that he has named a person he is still connected to or in communication with! So then you ask him if he wants to handle or disconnect from the Suppressive Person. Now, he will cause a lot of upset and trouble in his life if he dramatically disconnects—dramatically meaning to do something in a way that can cause upsets or make people shocked, excited, etc.—so the PTS person has to work out how to handle the matter smoothly.
If he can’t see how he can do that, you can work with him to begin to handle the matter smoothly and gently, bit by bit. This may be done by telling him to actually answer his mail or to write to the Suppressive Person and send him a pleasant “good roads, good weather” letter. “Good roads, good weather” means a communication that is calm, warm and friendly. It usually talks about things that are good and that others will agree with, such as how nice it was to have some rain after weeks and weeks of dry weather or writing how the football match last weekend was very exciting. All you are trying to do is have the person who is PTS start doing something to begin to very gently handle the matter.
6. After getting him started on this gentle handling, check with the person again and make sure he is doing what you and he agreed to do. If he is doing the handling steps you both worked out together, encourage him to keep going, always using gentle “good roads, good weather” communications.
Here is one example of how someone who is PTS might gently handle a parent who was being suppressive to him, rather than just disconnecting. The handling could be as simple as the PTS writing to his father and saying, “I do not complain that you are a janitor (cleaner), so please do not complain about my lifestyle. The important thing is that I am your son and that I love and respect you. I know you love me, but please learn to respect me as an adult who knows what he wants in life.” Or he could say, “I am writing to you, Daddy, because Mother keeps sending me these nasty newspaper clippings about my friends and people I work with, and they are upsetting to me because I know they are not true. You do not do this and so it is easier for me to write to you.”
The important thing to realize about PTSness is that you can do something about it.