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Investigatory Actions

Correction of things which are not wrong and neglecting things which are not right will bring about the failure of any organization or civilization.

Correct investigation is an important skill to know in order to take intelligent action to correct something.

Suppressive Justice

Justice means the legal procedures taken by a government or an organization on someone when he fails to act ethically on his own or breaks a law.

When justice goes wrong the things that have occurred are:

1. Use of justice for some other purpose than public safety, such as maintaining the interests of a group in power or some fixed prejudice or idea about someone or something.

2. Omitted use of investigatory procedure.

All harm and destructive use of the forces of justice occurs because of one of these.

Sometimes people do things out of hate for someone or something and call it ”justice” or ”law and order.” This is why you can truthfully say that our society today cannot really be trusted with justice.

Such things bring about a neglect of intelligent investigatory procedures. However, the success of any group depends on correct investigatory procedures done in an observant and sensible way. Only in that way can you find the true causes of bad situations. And only by finding what the causes really are can you do something about them.

It is one thing to be able to observe. It is quite another to use those observations to find the reason a bad situation exists.


Investigations become necessary when you see either outpoints or pluspoints.

Investigations can occur out of idle curiosity or because of a particular interest in something. They can also occur in order to locate the cause of pluspoints.

Whatever the reason for an investigation, the action of investigating something is done by following sequences.

If someone is not able to mentally follow a series of events or actions, he will not be able to correctly investigate something.

The outpoint of altered sequence is a main block to investigation.

At first look, the outpoint of omitted data would seem to be the block. But in actual fact omitted data is the end product of an investigation and makes it possible for an investigation to continue to a conclusion—you are looking for omitted data.

An altered sequence of actions defeats any investigation. As an example, someone says ”We will hang him and then have a trial.” Or ”We will assume who committed the crime and then find evidence to prove it.” Or ”A crime should be deliberately made to happen to find out who commits them.” This is carrying out an investigation backwards. Any time an investigation is carried out in a backward way like this, it will not succeed.

So if the person doing the investigation has any trouble himself with seeing or picturing in his mind the sequences of actions, he will definitely come up with the wrong answer.

When you see that someone has come up with a wrong or incomplete answer to some problem, you can assume that the person doing the investigating has trouble with the sequences of events or, of course, he did not really do an investigation.

One can’t really believe that the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes would ever say, ”I have here the fingerprint of Mr. Murgatroyd on the murder weapon. Have the police arrest him. Now, Watson, hand me a magnifying glass and ask Detective Doherty to let us look over his fingerprint files.” This is another example of a backwards investigation.

So if someone cannot visualize (picture) a series of actions, like a ball bouncing down a flight of stairs, or if one cannot relate in proper order several different actions with one object into a proper sequence, he will not be able to investigate.

If someone can, he will be successful in investigating something.


All betterment of life depends on finding out pluspoints and why and reinforcing them (making them stronger) and locating outpoints and finding out why and getting rid of them.

This is the successful survival pattern of living. A person living in a backward society like the Amazon jungle who is going to survive does just that. A scientist who knows his business also does just that.

For example, here is a sequence that follows a pluspoint: A fisherman sees sea gulls gather over a point on the sea. That’s the beginning of a short sequence, point number one. He predicts a school of fish, point number two. He sails over as sequence point number three. He looks down as sequence point number four. He sees fish as point number five. He gets out a net as point number six. He circles the school with the net, number seven. He draws in the net, number eight. He brings the fish on board, number nine. He goes to port, number ten. He sells the fish, number eleven. That’s following a pluspoint—a cluster of sea gulls.

And as another example, a sequence beginning from an outpoint might be: Housewife serves dinner. Nobody eats the cake, number one. She tastes it, number two. She recognizes soap in it, number three. She goes to the kitchen, number four. She looks into cupboard, number five. She finds the box of soap knocked over, number six. She sees the flour below it, number seven. She sees that the cookie jar is empty, number eight. She grabs her young son, number nine. She shows him what she found, number ten. She gets a confession, number eleven. And number twelve is too painful to describe.


All discoveries are the end product of a sequence of investigatory actions that begin with either a pluspoint or an outpoint.

Therefore all knowledge begins with pluspoints or outpoints observed.

And all knowledge depends on an ability to investigate.

And all investigation is done in correct sequence.

And all successes depend upon the ability to do these things.

NOTE: In order to continue, you must complete all previous steps in this course. Your last incomplete step is
NOTE: You had several answers that were incorrect. In order to continue, you should re-read the article and then test your understanding again.