You have now successfully enrolled and are almost ready to begin your first step in an exciting and practical learning process. This course will provide you with effective tools to use in your life.
This course is laid out in a step-by-step manner, with a sequence of study and exercises for you to do. And since the entire course is self-contained from within your personal logon, you can simply log in at any time to progress through your assignments to full completion.
Important Note
In doing this course, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he has gone past a word he did not understand.
Important Note
In doing this course, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he has gone past a word he did not understand.
The confusion or inability to understand or learn comes AFTER a word you did not know the meaning of. It might not only be the new and unusual words that you did not understand.
One of the most important facts in the whole subject of study is that you must never go past a word that you do not understand.
In every subject that you took up and then left incomplete, you will find that there were words that you read but you did not know what they meant.
So while doing this course be very, very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand.
If what you are studying becomes confusing or you can’t seem to understand it, there will be a WORD just earlier that you have not understood.
Don’t go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got into trouble and find the word you did not fully understand. Wherever you see a word that is underlined, you can click on it and it will immediately give you the meaning of that word.
As you go through the course, you can also click on the menu at the top of each course page where it says “Glossary” (which is a list of words and what they mean) and it will take you to a list of words used in the course and give you the meaning of each.
If you cannot find the word you are looking for listed in the glossary, get a simple dictionary and look up its meaning there.
There has never before been a way to break down life into its exact parts in a way that you could look them over and see which parts of your life were doing well and which needed attention.
L. Ron Hubbard discovered that all life, every single living thing in this world, follows a single purpose: to survive!
But this one big purpose that covers all of life and living can also be divided into smaller parts.
As you will learn in this chapter, once you know what these smaller parts are, you can see how well you are surviving on any one of them.
Knowing what the parts of life are will also help you make the correct decision in handling any problem—even one that could harm or upset some of the people that might be involved in that problem. There has never been a workable and correct pattern to solve problems like this before, especially one that could also be taught to others so they too can use it. Not until L. Ron Hubbard made the discoveries, that is, and showed us how it can be done.
In this chapter, you will learn the tools to help you survive well and make correct decisions.
In doing this course, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he has gone past a word he did not understand.
The Dynamics
The driving force behind all of your actions and decisions and the most important thing in life is to survive. To survive means to remain or continue in existence, to live.
We call this driving force to survive an urge. In Scientology, we have learned that there are eight separate urges to survive. Each one of these is called a dynamic. Everything you do and every choice you make is driven by the urge to survive.
The eight dynamics represent different compartments of your life in which you are surviving:
The First Dynamic is the urge to survive as you, as an individual. It is the urge to be an individual and to reach the highest level of survival for the longest possible time for yourself.
For example, taking care of yourself, keeping your body clean, preserving your teeth, eating properly, getting rest and getting care when you are ill are all things you do to help you better survive on the First Dynamic.

The Second Dynamic is the urge to survive through a future generation. It has two parts: sex, and the family, which includes the raising of children.

The Third Dynamic is the urge to survive as part of a group.
For example, the people in your office, your school, your town, your nation and even your football team or musical group are all part of your Third Dynamic.

The Fourth Dynamic is the urge to survive through Mankind. Whereas one race (people with a common color or nationality) would be considered a Third Dynamic, all the races of Man together would be considered the Fourth Dynamic.

The Fifth Dynamic is the urge to survive for any and every form of life. This would include all living things, whether animal or plant.
For example, fish, dogs, cats, lions, grass, trees, flowers and even insects are all part of your Fifth Dynamic.

The Sixth Dynamic is the urge of the person to improve the survival of the physical universe.
For example, taking care of your clothes, shoes, house, car, school, office or someone else’s possessions are all part of the actions of you surviving on the Sixth Dynamic.

The Seventh Dynamic can be called the spiritual dynamic. It is the urge to survive as a spiritual being or the urge for life itself to survive. This is separate from the physical universe and is the source of life itself.

The Eighth Dynamic is that dynamic that is most commonly discussed as the Creator, the dynamic of God or the Supreme Being, an all-creative spirit. It is the urge toward existence as infinity.

These eight dynamics include all of your goals of survival and all the things that you survive for.
A person is trying to survive, one way or another, on all of these dynamics at once.
The dynamics can be shown as a series of circles with the First Dynamic at the center. A person expands outward as he begins to survive on the other dynamics in his life.