Training 2: Acknowledgments
An acknowledgment means saying or doing something to show another person you have heard and understood his communication. For example, an acknowledgment might be “Very good,” “Okay,” “All right” or “Thank you.”
This drill teaches you to understand and acknowledge what another person says. It also teaches you that an acknowledgment is a stop, an end to that communication, and not a beginning or a continuation of a communication.
You and another person are seated about three feet apart, facing each other.

This drill is carried out as follows:
Coach: Pick a phrase from a simple storybook, such as Alice in Wonderland, and read it aloud to the student, leaving out the he said or she said.
You: Acknowledge what the person said.
Coach: When you are satisfied the student acknowledged what you said, say “Fine.”
Repeat any phrase that was not actually acknowledged until you are satisfied the student heard and understood what you said and that the acknowledgment was said in such a way as to end the communication. Then say “Fine.” Pick another phrase from the storybook and continue the drill, repeating these steps.
The coach says “Start” and reads a line. He says “That’s it” every time he feels there has been an improper acknowledgment. He then gives him a new “Start,” repeating the same line. “That’s it” may also be used to stop for a discussion or end the drill session. If the drill session is ended for a discussion, the coach must say “Start” again before it resumes.
End Result
The drill is done until each of the following occurs:
1. Your acknowledgments reach another person in such a way as to end the communication.
2. Your acknowledgments show a communication has been heard and understood.
3. Your coach is satisfied you can do so.