Nerve Assist
Among the many types of assists in Scientology is one which can be of help in straightening joints and the spine.
It is called a Nerve Assist.
Nerves carry the shock of impacts. Such a shock should go away, but it seldom does entirely. Nerves give orders to muscles. With an impact, a surge of energy starts along the nerve channels. Then the energy surge reverses. This gives what is called a standing wave. It is just standing there, not going anywhere.

There are twelve big nerves that run down a person’s spine, spreading out from the spine across both sides of the shoulders and back. These twelve nerves branch out into smaller nerve channels and nerve endings. Nerves affect the muscles and these, continually tensed, can pull the spine and other parts of the body structure out of place.
The Nerve Assist consists of gently releasing the standing waves in the nerve channels of the body.
1. Have the person lie face down.
2. Tell the person that you are going to be doing a Nerve Assist and briefly explain the procedure. Tell him that you will be moving your fingers and hands over various parts of his body:
“I am going to be moving my fingers and hands over various parts of your body.”
3. With your two index fingers, stroke downward close to the spine on either side, fairly rapidly but not very forcefully. This action is repeated two more times.

4. Then reverse your original action, following the same channels with your two fingers back up the spine. This action is repeated two more times.

5. Now, with your fingers spread fanlike, stroke the nerve channels, using both hands at the same time. Stroke away from the spine and to the sides of the body.

6. Cover the whole back in this way (working down from the top of the spine to the bottom of the spine). Repeat this step two more times.

7. Reverse the direction of your strokes so they go back up to the spine (stroking from the sides of the body toward the spine). Repeat this step two more times.

8. Have the person turn over so he is lying face up. With your fingers spread fanlike, using both hands at the same time, continue to parallel the nerve channels around to the front of the body. Cover the front of the body this way (working from the top down). Repeat this step two more times.

(Note: In following the nerve channels around to the front of the body, stroke only as far as the points of the arrows in the illustration shown. The nerve channels being handled do not extend across the chest or abdomen, so stroking is not done across those areas. There is no contact made with a woman’s breasts or with the genitalia in either sex.)
9. Reverse the direction of your strokes on those same nerve channels. Begin stroking at the spots indicated by the points of the arrows in the illustration above, stroking toward the back and working up the front of the body. Repeat this step two more times.

10. Then stroke down each arm, one at a time (three times each).

11. Then stroke down each leg, one at a time (three times each).

12. Have the person turn over so he is again lying face down, on his stomach. Start over at step 3.
The assist is done until the person has a realization or experiences some relief. He may also experience a spinal bone going into place, often accompanied by a dull popping sound. At this point you should end the Nerve Assist.
The Nerve Assist should be repeated daily until all the standing waves are released.